As part of Albemarle’s commitment to responsible mining operations and to better understand and manage potential impacts from the proposed mine, Albemarle is conducting an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). The ESIA process is an integrated and holistic approach to identify and assess the potential environmental, social, health and safety impacts that could occur because of the project. 

The first step of the ESIA is the scoping phase which defines the area affected by the mine and undertakes identification of potential environmental and social impacts. In late December, Albemarle released the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Report (Scoping Report).

Community engagement is an important part of the ESIA process and as part of Albemarle’s ongoing effort to gather feedback from the community on what should be studied in the ESIA, this past summer the company conducted a 60-day public comment period to receive input on the draft Scoping Report.  

During the comment period, Albemarle held six community meetings to share information about the project and the ESIA process. The draft Scoping Report was available for review electronically and Albemarle placed printed copies at kiosks in six locations around Kings Mountain, and one in Shelby. Albemarle distributed flyers throughout the community and ran ads in the Kings Mountain Herald and on social media informing residents how they could provide feedback about the project.  

Albemarle was seeking comment to see if the public agrees with potential impacts identified in the draft Scoping Report, and whether there were additional questions or concerns. Albemarle will use the feedback to help inform the analysis of potential impacts, the decision-making as they refine the mine design, and the development of future management measures that are intended to minimize potential adverse impacts and enhance positive benefits. 

Albemarle Kings Mountain Member Comments Chart

Members of the community submitted more than 200 comments at the meetings or in writing. Questions and comments covered a broad range of topics; the most common themes received were related to the project description and plan, water, economy and employment, and community health and safety. 

A summary of comments and questions received during the comment period is included in the Scoping Report. The potential impacts identified in the Scoping Report will be further assessed in the next phase of the assessment. A draft ESIA Report is expected to be released for a 60-day public comment period in 2025 with the final report available later in the year.